10 Skin Care Tips for the Skin Care Professional

May 30, 2019

10 Skin Care Tips for the Skin Care Professional

10 Skin Care Tips for the Skin Care Professional that will have you bringing in clients and keeping them for the long haul! 

  1. Consultation with your client is an ART. Learn to LISTEN to your client and design your service and product choices to match their needs. Avoid cookie-cutter services.
  2. Understand the skin and its various roles – when you are properly armed with this knowledge, preventing skin problems and providing solutions for concerns will be less daunting.
  3. Keep it simple! Get to know your client and customize products, routines and schedules that work for them.
  4. Understand the role of products – as simple as this sounds, we sometimes give too much credit to a product and then become disappointed if it doesn’t do what we expected. For example, a serum will deliver better results if used on a clean, exfoliated and hydrated skin.
  5. Choose the right kind of exfoliant for your skin! Not everyone benefits from using the same product, the same way, and with the same frequency. A professional esthetician will design a customized home care regime for you that works for your skin.
  6. Do you have pieces of equipment at work that you aren’t familiar with? Or don’t use to their full potential? You could have new treatment options at your fingertips just be learning to incorporate those dusty old devices into your current practices!
  7. Give your treatments value added services to set yours apart from what everyone else is doing. What cost effective “extras” can you include with your services that keep your client coming back – a scalp massage during the mask? An aromatherapy pressure point? A paraffin hand treatment together with a facial?
  8. Give P.O.W to your treatments! Pearls Of Wisdom. Share valuable tips and tricks with your client each time they have a treatment. Don’t overwhelm them with too much information all at once, but give them one tip with a wow factor that will truly benefit them. Useful tidbits can be a tangible gift to them and doesn’t cost you anything extra.
  9. Are you using your hot towel cabby for more than facials? Everyone loves warm steam towels – you can incorporate them into manis, pedis, body treatments, and even waxing services.
  10. Well hydrated skin responds better and more quickly with fewer side effects than dehydrated skin. When a client is investing in a series of clinical treatments, start with a facial, and space soothing and hydrating facials throughout her series.

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