How to prevent aging

August 30, 2018

How to prevent aging

Age preventing is something most women tend to worry about just after hitting the big 3-0. We often search the stores for anything anti-aging, it quickly becomes our go-to label. Although we cannot fully prevent the aging process, we can slow it down. The first step in slowing down the process of aging is to first make sure you have the correct skincare for your specific skin type and condition. Using the wrong skin care products, for example, face wash, toner and moisturizer, can cause complications in the skin. Most often than not we see people who are using products meant for the skin they had in the past. For example, we have seen women who claim their skin is oily and has been since their teen years, so they focus their whole lives trying to dry out the oils and as a result, their skin is left looking dry and dehydrated. While their skin is desperately trying to overcompensate because of the damage that has been done. As we age our skin changes, and with those changes our skin care needs to be updated to suit those changes.


Once we have the correct skin care, which is considered “basic”, face wash, toner and moisturizer, we bring in the big guns like serums and eye creams. Serums are extremely beneficial, yet highly underrated. The purpose of the serum is to help correct and repair the skin and is designed for deeper penetration. With daily use of serums you can see continuous benefits in the skin. There are so many different types of serums to choose from depending on what your areas of ‘concern’ are. Cara's Platinum CC Anti-aging and Bio Peptide serum aka Botox in a bottle are amazing for those looking for a good anti-aging serum. Then roll in the eye creams and the eye gels. The skin around the eye is so thin, so delicate, it is often the first to give away in our aging process. An eye creamed packed with the Co Enzyme Q-10 and Vitamin K (helps with dark circles) is the pampering your eyes need, such as the Cara Revida Eye Cream, or the Revive Eye Gel, for those ladies who have eyelash extensions.


Masking is another way to make your skin care work against aging. Masking is so beneficial, it's the treatment your skin is longing for, masking can be done 2-3 times a week, and can be done as easily as when watching TV. Cara's Timeless Retinol Night Mask is light yet hydrating. It’s a slow releasing retinol so its active longer and can be left on overnight.  When you wake up, those expression lines are softer. Pair this with the Bio Peptide serum and with some time the results are astounding. Taking before and after pictures are the best way to see progress. Lastly, but definitely not least is SPF. SPF is what protects your skin from UVB/UVA rays that can damage the healthy skin cells, therefore making your skin age quicker. Both our Illuminating Moisture Tint and Daily Solar Guard are broadspectrum protection. 

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